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Cyber safety is something we all have to think about. These days, everything is digital and connected to the Internet… from our business documents to our family photos and videos. Everything.

Keeping our families safe online is an ongoing challenge that gets tougher all the time. So we’re sharing some advice and a giveaway in partnership with Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity.

How often do you talk to your kids about cyber safety? Are you careful enough with your own online behaviour? Are you doing everything you can to protect yourself and your family while online?

7 Ways To Help Keep Your Family Safe Online

Just like everything in parenting, talking to your children openly and honestly is the first step.

Children are online at incredibly young ages and they have to be taught about online safety. They may instinctively know how to download apps and play the latest games on your smart phone, but they have no idea what the risks are.

These important conversations are not a one-time discussion. You need to start talking to your kids about online safety as soon as they’re old enough to touch your smart phone and keep reminding them until the day they leave for college… but maybe by then the roles will have reversed and they’ll be warning you.
  • Don’t expect privacy online.

    Despite apps, websites and devices all having privacy settings, we should always act as though there is no real privacy online.

    I tell my kids, for everything they type — from an SMS text message to a post in a private Facebook group — they should consider what would happen if everyone was able to read it.

    Whether it’s someone taking a screenshot and sharing their words or someone hacking into their account, everything digital is at risk.
    [Read More…]

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